***Mushy Gushy alert!!
This post is all about my awesome husband and how much I love him, so if you aren't looking to read sweet and sappy, move along!
Today my husband and I have been married for 8 years!!
It is hard to believe that sentence. It seems like it has flown by. The above picture is our engagement picture. We look so young in this photo!! I remember being so excited to take this picture and have it run in the paper to proudly announce I would finally be married to Joe. Three cities, and three kids later, I think about how much has happened in 8 years. I look back fondly upon the anticipation of marriage and spending my life with Joe. I am so thankful for the many blessings God has given me. Especially for my Joe and our children. God has seen it fit to give me the most amazing man to spend my life here on earth with, of which I don't even deserve. A man who loves God, loves me, and loves our kids. My best friend!!
I thought about writing my 8 favorite things about my hubby, but that wouldn't be enough.....
I thought about writing about each city we lived in........
I thought about writing each letter of the alphabet and a little something about him.....
I thought about writing about my favorite memory of him with each of our children.....
I thought and thought.......
I scrapped those ideas!
Here's just a few of the reasons why I'm glad that he is my husband and well........ a few random things about him that I want to remember one day when I am old and gray!!!
He can make me laugh and laugh and laugh!!
He is quite sensitive while looking rugged and manly.
He likes to sing with me in the car and change up all the lyrics to say something really funny.
He is easy on the eyes.
His hugs make me feel so secure.
He loves Jesus.
He adores each of our children, and always thinks of them.
He is responsible financially, and provides for our family.
He thinks of our future.
He is a man of integrity at home and at work, no matter what others do.
He takes his job seriously and does a thorough job... no short cuts. His patients love him.
He's very handsome!!!
He's compassionate.
He loves.
He makes the best chocolate milkshake ever!
He loves me.
He loves me unconditionally.
He has plans for us.
He is not a workaholic and puts us first before career.
He makes the best bananas foster ever.
He can play baseball really well but doesn't show off.
He's a doctor but he'd really rather be addressed as Joe. ( funny story for later)
He gives all the kids their nicknames.
He loves history.
He is a great dancer.
He is patient with me whenever we have tried playing sports together, even though I am terrible at most sports.
He likes to help with the shopping.
He loves animals.
He leads with ease, and without making me feel beneath him.
He wants our kids to know Jesus.
He is wise.
He'd rather be with us at home, than with the guys any day.
He loves sports.
He is a loyal friend.
He thinks things through.
He seems serious to others in public, but will wrestle and play with the kids and do some of the funniest things when it is just us and the kids.
He loves his mom and dad.
He doesn't worry about what other people think!
He lets me ramble on and on about everything going on with me and about my day, no matter how tired he is when he gets home from work.
He likes to get the mail.
He made me a wife.
He made me a mommy.
He doesn't blog but doesn't make me feel silly because I like too!
He's protective.
He is a man of few words.
He is an incredible judge of character when I have been dreadfully wrong, and he never made me feel bad about it.
He gets me!
Happy Anniversary!
I love you babe!