Monday, September 29, 2008

How Crazy Am I???


That is what I must have looked like today!!!!!

To no ones surprise I was running a bit late this morning, trying to get two little ones off to different schools with their made to order lunches and backpacks in hand. While waiting in the carpool line at Natalie's school I got out of the van and had to wipe her face which I had forgotten to do and unbuckle her so she would be ready to get out of the car. When it was her turn to get out she resisted and I had to get out again to help one of the teachers help Natalie to her classroom line. After taking her to school and battling with the fact that she wouldn't get out of the car, I headed to Hobby Lobby with Sarah. We made it there early and I leisurely unloaded Sarah and placed her in the cart and made my way to find the things that I needed. I saw several workers and the place was really pretty nice because it wasn't busy at all. I had to ask one worker where an item was located and past several people walking from aisle to aisle. I made my way back to the front of the store and ran into a friend of mine and chatted for a minute or two. I then checked out and chatted with a very friendly and sweet clerk. Sarah and I made our way home, and I even stopped to treat myself to a fountain diet coke. We were at home for a while and I got a snack for Sarah and we played a bit. Eventually, I needed to change her diaper so I took her into her room and lifted her onto the changing table. As I did, I looked down at my shirt.
I looked again.....


I laughed out loud so very hard. Sarah thought I was very funny!

I thought to myself what a totally goober I am. I was in such a rush that I put my shirt on the wrong way??? What???? I never stopped to look at myself because I was walking and dressing at the same time. You mom's know what I am talking about, right?? I then began to recount where I had been and how many people saw me. I can't believe that not one single person, not one said......, "Hey Lady!", "Yeah you!", "Your shirt is on wrong side out!" Is this what happens in your late thirties??? Did people think that I was performing an experiment, or that I was just plain sad??

When Joe got home I told him about it and showed him what the shirt looked like on the wrong way. He laughed!!


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Baby Cardio!

I have a new idea!!

Here's an alternative to the jog stroller!

There should be something called "baby cardio." Here's how the class would work.........

Every adult attending class would be assigned a baby to chase. Then each pair would be assigned a team color. Each participant would have matching wristbands. After all we have to account for everyone! They would then be placed in an area that has several potential hazards, such as sharp pointed edge to the bleachers in the area. This area would have stairs they could possible tumble down. Plus, cubbies with dirty shoes that the babies/toddlers would keep trying to chew on!! Not to mention the icky sweat laced carpet that the participants would be asked to keep the baby from rolling around on and possibly licking. As well as, keeping them from eating old pieces of fuzz and leftover snacks found under the bleacher and under the tables. Participants would be asked to keep the child safe at all times and make sure that the child is not injured in any way.

The duration of the class would be approximately 45 minutes.

During this time you would be taunted by others, saying things like, "Wow! That baby keeps you busy". or, "You sure have your hands full"! or, "Look at her GO"!

After the 45 minutes are up cool down would consist of retrieving an additional child and making your way down the stairs to a vehicle strapping both kids in to car seats and making it home safely amidst several requests for water and food!

Any takers????